An event registration website is the first impression you have on prospective customers and clients, and is a major factor in whether they decide to attend or not. It is therefore important that the website makes a good first impression and can convince people to register for your event. When designing your event registration website, it is important to keep in mind these 5 Elements of an effective event registration landing page.
As the name suggests,
the registration page is the first page
a potential customer has when visiting your website. It is the page in which you are trying to persuade the visitor to fill out the registration form. In order to do this, you need to make sure the page is attractive, neat, and professional looking. If the page is not user-friendly, chances are the person who lands on it will not even glance at the registration form, let alone complete it. It is important to create a good first impression for the visitor and therefore put the best of efforts in designing an attractive and usable registration page.
The second element is relevant content.
This means that the content in your website must be related to the event you are trying to promote. While promoting an event such as a shareholders’ meeting, it is important to provide useful information about the meeting to the visitors. On the contrary, if you are promoting a music band’s concert, then you must focus more on the music aspect than the technicalities of the event. The content must be well-written, clear, and concise. Content helps build trust and confidence in the visitor so if he or she is planning to buy the tickets or register for an event, then the content must convince them to do so.
The third and last element is a tutorial or help section.
Tutorials or Help sections are great ways to persuade a potential visitor to fill out the registration form. A tutorial must be interactive in nature and give enough details about the event so that the visitor can get as much information as possible. It should also demonstrate how a particular feature of the event can benefit the visitor.
The fourth and final thing to consider is the communication component.
There should be a clear communication process between the website owner and the visitor. There should be an easy way to contact the owner and a clear explanation about the payment process. The main goal here is to make sure that the visitor will finish the entire registration without losing his or her interest.
Once a visitor finishes filling out the registration form, he or she should be able to easily find his or her profile information. Most online booking systems come with an online login mechanism. This makes it easy for a user to log in and use all the features available on the website. There are usually tabs separated by horizontal dividers in most websites. Under the tabs there would usually be a button with a ‘sign up’ or a ‘log in’ link. The button could either be clicking on it or moving it closer or further from the centre of the page so that the user can move it easily.
The fifth and last component is the landing page.
This is the page where visitors can find information about the registration form. It could be a simple static page or a dynamic one with a form. Whatever the case may be, the page should be designed in such a way that it drives traffic to the registration form.
Event registration is a very profitable business. However, this does not mean that you can cut corners when it comes to the design of your online page. An ineffective page may prove to be a failure in terms of conversion to sales. As such, it is important that you work closely with your graphic designer to create an effective page. By so doing, you will be able to ensure that your online presence is established in a positive manner.